BookMachine Weekly BookWrap: publishing stories from around the web
First up, if you find yourself in or around Auld Reekie this evening, BookMachin
On the site this week, there’s Beck To Release Most Backward Book Ever, and Bookaboo looking for submissions for new series. Then we had a rush of questions (and answers), including 6 questions for Wendy Toole of the SfEP, 6 Questions for Russell Kerridge of Imagewrite, and Five questions for Sophia Blackwell.
Elsewhere on the web, have you ever wondered Why Self-Published Books Look Self-Published or Why Everything in Publishing Takes So Long? Do you agree that Publishing Is Broken, We’re Drowning In Indie Books – And That’s A Good Thing?
Meanwhile, As time ticks down, publishers and Authors Guild slam ebook settlement, we’re Cruising for a browsing (experience), it’s Rejection vs. Rock & Roll, and there’s some advice on Navigating the World of Literary Agents.
On the tech front, Daring Fireball is Thinking This iPad Mini Thing Even Througher, and finally, one for the social media types: Welcome to Medium.