Global Right Licensing: The Bigger Picture [EVENT]

skills for publishing

Organised by global rights and licensing platform IPR License, the inaugural Global Right Licensing:The Bigger Picture conference will see leading figures from a range of creative sectors highlight how they maximise licensing revenue, combat copyright infringement and piracy in the digital world and what lessons could be learnt by the publishing world.

It will also see a debate over the future of book fairs and focus on emerging new markets for licensing.

The conference is free to attend and will be held at King College, London, Waterloo campus on Monday 24th November. Registration will begin at 9.30am, lunch will be provided and there will be a drinks reception after the conference closes at 4.30pm.

Panellists and speakers will include:

Tom Chalmers, Managing Director, IPR License

Jacks Thomas, Director, London Book Fair

Tom Tivnan, Features and Insight Editor, The Bookseller

Emma House, Director of Publisher Relations, Publishers’ Association

Richard Charkin, Executive Director, Bloomsbury Publishing

Silvia Serra, Director of Rights, Licensing & Permissions, Wolters Kluwer

Lorella Belli, Lorella Belli Literary Agency

James Bennett, Head of Development, Copyright Licensing Agency

Sarah Osborn, Chief Executive, Music Publishers Association (MPA)

Alex Stepney, Public Policy Manager, Internet Advertising Bureau UK (IABU)

Victoria Hooper, Commercial Manager, DACS

For full seminar details click here. Places to the seminar are limited and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

And for anyone who can’t be there in person, not only are we drafting a downloadable report from the conference, we’re also inviting you to send your relevant questions to any particular speaker which we’ll be happy to pose on your behalf.

So if you do have a question you’d like to submit or if you need any further information regarding the conference please just drop us a line at

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