RSA Bounce: an event for unleashing ideas
Christopher Norris reports on his first-hand experience of RSA Bounce, an opportunity for RSA Fellows to speed-pitch enterprise concepts for feedback via the Wisdom of Crowds and for jump-starting ideas into practical reality.
On 16 November 2015, fuelled by wine and pizza at the Rainmaking Loft in St Katharine’s Dock, 14 entrepreneurs bounced their new business initiatives off an audience of RSA Fellows interested in cutting-edge commercial and social enterprise innovation.
Each pitcher had to explain their idea against the clock: Louise Drake (RSA Regional Manager: East and South East) set an online stopwatch, projected on a screen, to give each presentation three minutes to get across the idea’s purpose, features and benefits. Each pitcher then had a further three minutes to answer questions from the audience. The order of pitching was chosen by lot.
Here is the running order of the 14 pitchers and projects that featured on the night. Visit the RSA website for my fuller report about any of these presentations that sparks your interest:
- Peter Bull: Practical University > An alternative, hands-on multi-skill programme for students aged 16-18 to prepare young people for life.
- Anna Lowe: Creating makerspaces in developing countries > A network of makerspaces in developing countries, with a focus on tech for sustainable development.
- Aaron Lawton: The Internet of Places > A smartphone app allowing local people and visitors to gain fascinating insights into local heritage features.
- Christopher Norris: Jolabokaflod > A generic book marketing campaign that builds on the Icelandic custom of buying books as gifts to be read on Christmas Eve.
- Bhavani Esapathi: Chronically Driven > A social innovation project bringing invisible disability to the forefront of mainstream media.
- Vanessa Sanyauke: Girls Talk London > A series of events and workshops to help encourage young girls and women into senior roles in business.
- James Wallman: Group Hug > A startup to spread the message of the Experience Revolution.
- Ann Nkune: Bloomsbury Beginnings > Providing incubator opportunities, mentors, hot desks and crèche facilities for parent entrepreneurs and flexible workers.
- Ronald Ligtenberg: Body Language Workshops with Deaf Trainers > Open Senses is an event that celebrates human senses: it comprises a symposium, and many expositions, installations and performances all over London.
- Nicola Herbertson: eu > Public service delivery using avatars and online 3D environments to save money and improve access and employment for people with autism and complex needs.
- Douglas Shaw: Art for Work’s Sake > Developing an arts-based learning, circuited framework to help bridge the creativity gap.
- Jonathan Bannister: Social Enterprise Canvas > An adaptation of the Business Model Canvas needs testing for social enterprises.
- Claire Rampen: Téléfonica survey > A customer-insights project harnessing the power of visual thinking, designed to give ethical consumers a louder voice.
- Nancy Johnston: Tengri > Creating the world’s first prestige fashion brand with a ‘fairshare’ business model and a fully transparent, ethical and sustainable supply-chain.
The next RSA Bounce event will be held in London on 23 February 2016. For more information, please contact Mark Hall (RSA Regional Manager: London) at
The RSA Fellowship is a unique global network of over 27,000 individuals who work together to bring about social change. Fellowship is open to all who share their values and they are offering BookMachine members the chance to join the RSA via their ‘fast track’ application route. This means no £75 joining fee or referees needed; you only pay the annual fee of £168 pa or £14 pcm. For more information please contact Adam Myers: