BookMachine Weekly BookWrap: publishing stories from around the web
Phew, a busy week of conferences this one, and lots of writing about ’em.
First up was our own Publishing Now event, Part One and Part Two. Then on Monday, we discovered at the Bookseller’s Futurebook that The future for publishers is content creation, with a dash of Martini. Finally on Thursday there was A day of innovation on the future of the book.
But what else happened? Well it seems Reading is alive and increasingly electronic as Interactive ebooks take on fiction novels, and It’s A Book. It’s An App. It’s Do or Die And It’s Innovative.
Elsewhere, a Web-connected printer creates personalized mini newspapers. Does it have any potential for bookish things? And here’s What publishers can learn from Netflix’s problems.
We’re also Blowing Out the Digital Book as We Know It, in tune with this week’s freakish weather.
Meanwhile, Publishers Gild Books With ‘Special Effects’ to Compete With E-Books, while many are Book Shopping in Stores, Then Buying Online. No surprise there unfortunately.
And finally, here’s Ten Free Classic Kindle Books Worth Reading. Enjoy.