Introducing the BookMachine App

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Since the COVID-19 pandemic first challenged us to produce a fully online programme of events, courses and resources for people in publishing, we’ve been evolving how the BookMachine global community works for its members.

Today, we’ve reached a big milestone in our journey, and are beyond thrilled to announce the launch of The BookMachine App!

Back in 2020 – once we knew that “back to normal” was an impossibility – we knew we had to think of more ways we could help publishing people come together in times of uncertainty, cancelled events and self-isolation.

It was thanks to our members, our dedicated Editorial Board and the BookMachine team that we were able to analyse what was really needed by the community. From here, the idea for an app was validated. (Special thanks to Tech Board member Emmanuel Kolade who helped us to refine this idea!).

The app has been developed to help our members tap into everything they need to develop in their careers, boost their knowledge and expand their network – whether they’re at home, in the office or on the go – all from their mobile devices.

From taking a quick module of a CAMPUS video course on your lunch break in the park (or even on the commute, as you can download courses to watch offline) to gathering around the virtual water cooler with other members once you’re ready to move away from your desk, everything has been set up for our members to really make the most of what they have access to.

Introducing the BookMachine App - a new way to take CAMPUS courses on the go.

Within the Community, you’ll also be able to find new Groups. Ranging from Editorial, Design, Sales, Audio, Marketing and Tech to STM, Academic, Agenting, Education and more, Groups allow you to follow your interests, interact with the specialisms that matter most to you and discover the people you really want to connect with. You’ll be able to start forums, post images, ask questions, find collaborators and share ideas with likeminded people. A big, big thank you to our members who helped us to put these groups together – your feedback was invaluable! If there is a group you think is missing, please let us know.

If you’re not a member yet but you would like to sign up, you can download the app for that. The app also lets you sign up to BookMachine in your currency (not currently available on desktop) – meaning that publishing pros can join more easily from around the world. Find out more about what memberships include here.

We’re so delighted to be bringing you this next chapter of BookMachine, and we’re beyond excited for the possibilities it will bring to our members.

Download the BookMachine App for iOS on the App Store or for Android via Google Play.

App store download final
Android download final

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