The Naked Editor shares all…


Daniela Nava (a.k.a. The Naked Editor – is a freelance editor, proofreader and translator.

I’m delighted to have the opportunity to let everybody know what a great event the last BookMachine was, but I felt slightly alarmed when browsing through the previous articles in search of inspiration. One in particular caught my eye: ‘BookMachine – the most fun you can have in publishing with your clothes on [August party review]’. Now, considering that my business is called The Naked Editor, I felt this might perhaps confuse readers, but I’m happy to confirm that I don’t intend to contradict the other author.

The latest get-together took place on an uncharacteristically balmy autumn night, although the warmth could have simply been the result of the sheer amount of people present at the event; the place was buzzing with the sounds of excited conversation and laughter – music to the ears of a freelancer whose idea of adult conversation normally doesn’t stretch much further than talking to the neighbour’s geriatric cat!

Although walking into a busy pub knowing virtually nobody represents for most people the stuff of nightmares, please don’t let this put you off coming along to BookMachine. I know it sounds like a terrible cliché, but you won’t remain shyly sipping your pint in a corner for long: everybody is so friendly and welcoming that it’s impossible to resist being pulled into a conversation. The event was organised brilliantly (thanks Laura and Gavin!) and the evening quickly whizzed past as people mingled around, joining various little groups until it was time to say goodbye.

As far as I can see, it seemed to me that BookMachine had something to offer everybody: as I said, the lonely freelancers could finally feel part of a crowd of ‘colleagues’ for the night and do some cheeky networking; students could chat to people working in publishing for advice and encouragement; and those already working in the industry could catch up with friends and talk about publishing-related matters.

But don’t be fooled by the serious talk that might occasionally worm its way to your ears – BookMachine is a lot of fun (remember, there’s alcohol involved!) and, in my opinion, an unmissable event that will easily become the highlight of your diary.

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