BookMachine Weekly BookWrap: publishing stories from around the web
This week, there was a look at How e-reading changes reading habits, but it was heartening to hear that Humans are hardwired to read books. From a publishers point of view, let’s hope they are also hardwired to pay for them: here’s one man not Not Worried by Ebook Piracy.
The Hyperion CEO considers Book Publishing’s Broken Business Model, and are Publishing and social media a match made in heaven?
Meanwhile, with Apple poised to bring important changes to its iBook platform, Barnes & Noble Mulls Splitting Nook Business, Sells “Dead Tree” Publishing Company. Interesting moves are afoot.
Elsewhere, here’s what What James Franco’s “127 Hours” Has in Common with Publishing.
And finally, have you ever considered Borrowing from REM’s Songbook When Publishers, Authors and Agents Can’t Agree on a Book Title?