BookMachine Weekly BookWrap: publishing stories from around the web
Today we’re mostly talking about Apple’s announcement on education yesterday. Are Apple set to shake up textbook publishing with iBooks 2 and iTunes U?
And there’s more, as Apple’s iBooks Author Tool Sets the Stage for Showdown With Amazon. Essentially it’s A GarageBand for ebooks: Simplifying publishing.
But what is The iBooks 2.0 textbook format? And there’s the backlash too: perhaps You Can’t Afford Apple’s Education Revolution, and what about The Unprecedented Audacity of the iBooks Author EULA?
And then there’s pricing, here’s Apple’s New Math(s). Or: Why a $15 E-Book Equals a $75 Paper Book.
Elsewhere this week, it was argued that Academic publishers have become the enemies of science. And while Dorling Kindersley says “Goodbye Books, Hello ‘Flat’ Content. Make Once, Use Anywhere,” there are increasing Publishing Opportunities from Online Communities.