On 23rd February… BookMachine is back
It’s been said, that it’s the most fun you can have in publishing with your clothes on.*
It’s been said, that if you can talk books, digital publishing, politics, haircuts, music or… anything, then this is the place to be.**
You can sign up here:
BookMachine @ Porter’s Bar (The Green Man), 383 Euston Rd, London, NW1 3AU
23rd February 2012, 6.30pm
Here’s what BookMachine is all about
Every couple of months we hold a party for folks who work in and around the publishing industry. You’ll meet new people, old people, work people… drink a lot, chat, and other such things.
Do join us at Porter’s Basement Bar, downstairs at the Green Man, for another evening of books, booze and publishing-types.
And there’s more…
This time, we’re going to try something new. Inspired by the ‘Unconference’ events of technology-geekdom, from 8pm we’re going to have an hour of open-mike presentations up on stage.
How’s it all going to work out? Who knows, let’s find out!
We hope you can make it.
Also, just a note that we generally add BookMachine attendees to our email list, which keeps you posted on publishing happenings. If you’d rather not be added, please let us know.
*Lisa Goll, London Writer’s Cafe
** Sam Coleman, Atwood Tate