BookMachine Weekly BookWrap: publishing stories from around the web
Before you get stuck in to this week, here are the publishing stories you may have missed over the past fortnight.
On BookMachine, we’ve been asking Where Are They Now? Cutting Edge Digital Developments that Didn’t Make It Work, ‘Publisher
After last Monday’s post ‘Erotic Novel Serves as Good Fertiliser’ was followed by HarperCollins launching erotica for women, we make no apologies for an ill-fated attempt to get #eroticweek trending on Twitter.
Elsewhere on the web, Digital Book World asks Was March 2012 the month Traditional Publishing died? Well, certainly Britannica isn’t dead, it’s digital, apparently Most U.S. College Students Now Prefer Digital Reading, and Inkling Habitat may be reinventing the print press. But are Ebooks: a new publishing solution to an old business problem?
Meanwhile, there were words On publishing and being a writer in the Right Now, and as Another Agent Lectures Authors, there was An agent’s manifesto over on The BookSeller.
Finally, BookWrap leaves you this week with The 10 Most Overused Words in Publishing.