#BookMachine Booksylibros – ‘Will we all be meeting face-to-face in 10 years time?’

With the rise in online rights platforms, and HarperCollins’s recent virtual Romance Festival; the folks at BookMachine are starting to wonder about the future of the face-to-face meetings. The big question is: ‘Will we all be meeting face-to-face in 10 years time?’

On 9th July at 11am GMT, a number of publishers from Spain and the UK will gather on Twitter, using the hashtag #BookMachine to discuss ideas around the next generation of online conferences.

To participate is easy. Simply follow #BookMachine from 11am on the 9th, and join in with the debate, by Tweeting with the hashtag and sharing your thoughts.

The aim is to allow publishing professionals from Spain and the UK to share their knowledge, though do join in if you’re based elsewhere and have thoughts on the matter.

If you’d like to join us on the day, please sign up below:

Eventbrite - #BookMachine Booksylibros

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