Publishing Deconstructed with CompletelyNovel in Brighton [EVENT]
This is a guest post from Sarah Juckes, who is the Communications Manager for She works with partners and authors to create exciting opportunities for writers in and around publishing. For more information on CompletelyNovel, take their tour.
As part of the Brighton Digital festival this September, are pulling the publishing process apart in an event in association with BookMachine and New Writing South.
Local publishers, editors, designers, eBook specialists and PR experts are invited to join writers for an informal evening of networking and pop-up talks. Posted around the room will be a series of stands representing one part of the publishing process. Local experts will get the opportunity to speak about what they know best to authors who are looking to find out more about what publishing entails.
Dotted around the room will also be a series of interactive sources, where writers will be able to engage with, learn from and download further information about that element of publishing.
If you’re a local Brighton expert, why not host your own pop-up talk at the event, or get involved with our networking board? It’s a great way to meet other locals, potential clients and talk about what you love doing.
If you’re a writer looking to find out more about what it means to be an author in a digital age, pop along and hear it from the local experts. There will also be the chance to mingle with other writers, meet publishers and get your hands on a series of goodies that will be available on the night.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Publishing Deconstructed is organised by the innovative publishing platform, The event will be held at The Writers’ Place, Brighton from 7.30pm on 24th September 2014. Tickets are £3.50 and include a free drink. Places are limited, so get yours fast, here.