Working in publishing: 6 mythbusters from Unite


In the run up to, United, We Publish, BookMachine will be featuring a number of posts on employment-related topics such as training, pay, law and flexible working. Here Unite the Union have provided us with a list of their top 6 myths in employment law.

Mythbuster 1

I cannot be sacked whilst off work with a doctor’s certificate.

Wrong. Your employer has to conduct themselves fairly but you are not protected from dismissal whilst off sick.

Mythbuster 2

I have to sign my contract of employment for it to be valid.

Wrong. If your employer issues you with a new contract of employment and you work to the terms of that contract you are bound by it as much as if you sign it.

Mythbuster 3

My employer gives me six months’ sick pay so I cannot be sacked before that runs out.

Wrong. Your employer pays sick pay subject to the rules of the scheme.

Mythbuster 4

I am entitled to take time off to visit my doctor or dentist.

Wrong. There is no legal right to do so. It is discretionary.

Mythbuster 5

I am a part-time worker facing redundancy but my employer must pay me the full-time redundancy pay for those years I worked full-time.

Wrong. Redundancy pay is defined as compensation for the loss of your job and it is your salary at that point in time that counts.

Mythbuster 6

TUPE protection of your terms and conditions only last for one year.

Wrong. But neither do they last forever – this is highly complicated contract of employment law so contact your union when issues arise – see more.


– Join us  for ‘United, We Publish‘ in London on the 27th October.

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For more information and to see the original post visit Unite’s website

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