BookMachine Weekly BookWrap: publishing stories from around the web
Dilemmas, dilemmas. The New York Times is Deciding on a Book, and How to Read It, meanwhile, as the Tribune Company develops its own tablet, is Technological Innovation: A Publisher’s Dilemma?
Gigaom reckons Amazon shows media companies the future of the web with its new ‘Cloud Reader’, but Why Do EBooks Cost So Much? Perhaps it’s the blood, sweat and tears that goes into making a book: here’s the Kiwi booksellers guide to the steps and costs along the way.
There’s some fine handy advice for authors the week with 12 Tasks Every Author Should Tackle Before Publishing a Book and Top Five Things Learned About Working with Book Bloggers, and it’s Print Publishing vs. Digital Publishing in a battle to the death (or at least an amicable settlement).
BookWrap leaves you this Friday with More Hilarious Amazon Customer Reviews, from Publishers Weekly.