Tips on Interviews Using Video and Web Conferencing
More and more, interview via web or video conferencing is becoming commonplace for publishing managers to screen applicants for positions their companies have openings for. Most of the interviews take place, using video, as some candidates may be coming from diverse locations. This is quite usual now as many publishing houses continue to expand their businesses globally, allowing them to also look at candidates from diverse locations outside of their country.
Interviews over the phone are generally acceptable in some cases for preliminary interviews. More often, HR managers in larger publishing houses will make do with this option to gauge a candidate’s suitability for the post by asking the same questions to candidates. By hearing only how the candidate would respond to their questions, they will have to decide whether this candidate gets to move on to the next stage of the interview process. But with video conferencing now possible, 63 percent of HR managers interviewed indicated that they regular hold video conferencing interviews.
Picking the Right Video Conferencing Software
Job interviews are generally stressful for candidates and hiring managers are advised to use services like video conferencing by Blue Jeans that does not add to their anxiety. Basic video conferencing software, preferably web-based, should help the hiring managers to see how the publishing candidate would react to questions as the interview progresses. Most jobs nowadays require basic level of competency on computers and technology. There are video conferencing tools that some candidates may be unfamiliar with, so whenever possible, use video conferencing that will work on any platform and with uncomplicated layout. However, if you have no option but to use a system that the candidate is likely to be unfamiliar with, a quick tutorial should be sent via email so the candidate can get used to it ahead of the interview schedule.
Testing the System before the Interview
Ahead of the interview schedule, take the time to test the video conferencing system and make adjustments accordingly. This is especially important when working remotely as this eliminates potential delays should anything happen. Critical to test when working offsite is the internet connectivity which can make the job interview run smoothly or not. It is assumed that interviewers may have software downloaded on the laptop or any web-based application that works with the platform. It would help the interviewee if a link could be provided to them to also test the same on their end, more so, if they need to download the application first; this has to be done way ahead of the scheduled interview.
Video Conferencing Etiquette
Video conferencing is supposed to simulate the usual face to face interview so to put the candidate at ease, be sure to dress appropriately. Generally, this is a rule of thumb for the interviewee but even interviewers should also follow the dress code such as when jeans are not allowed by the company. During the interview, you might have to stand up at some point to reach for a document and your outfit will be visible to the candidate.
Be sure to follow basic introductions when meeting the candidate for the first time. This is important especially when conducting panel interviews and a candidate will not know initially who they may be talking to. There’s a good chance that the candidate has done some research on the interviewer and this will show on how he or she formulates answers based on who he may be speaking to at the time.
As the interview is underway, candidates would appreciate it if they can see the interviewer on the monitor. For panel interviews, it may be good to use a camera that will allow for wider coverage. It would be a little too much for interviewers if they have to move the webcam back and forth depending on who may be speaking at that time. Else, they may end up just focusing on the lead interviewer instead.
There may be instances when the interview was scheduled while at home or at a different location during business travel. One must take care that the background is suitable for the occasion. The candidate has taken pains to ensure that his or her surroundings are clean and neat when they go on the video conference and interviewers should take care to do the same on their end, even if they are working remotely.
Face to face interviews still remain the top choice when interviewing candidates as this gives an indication of willingness of the candidate to commute to the office daily. Preparations for the interview will still be the same but interviewers can always play back the video before deciding which candidates fit the bill, but, with the changing times as businesses start looking for candidates outside their general location, they need to start looking at ways to hold the interviews and services like video conferencing by Blue Jeans can get you there.