Pub’n’Pub publishing events: Interview with Leander Wattig

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leander-wattig2Leander Wattig is developing event concepts for the publishing industry and is an event organiser at Orbanism. Here Norah Myers interviews him about Pub’n’Pub, the series of publishing meetups he organises.

1) What inspired the creation of Pub’n’Pub?

I wanted to create a format for connecting people. There are lots of formats where people gather in company buildings and listen to an interesting talk. Afterwards they go and have a drink. I thought – why not go into the pub right away and have the talk there. That’s why our event series is called “Pub ‘n’ Pub”.

2) What type of events do you hold for publishing folks?

We always invite interesting publishers to talk about their field of work in order to learn from each other. We host traditional book publisher as well as cutting edge web publishers. Due to our broad reach we connect publishing folks who usually don’t meet each other.

3) How can Pub’n’Pub help publishers make connections?

The whole format is designed for connecting people. That’s why we have talks in a pub and not just drinks because the people in busy cities like Berlin or Amsterdam really need a good reason to come. That’s also why we always start with a round of introduction where everybody says one sentence about themselves. This works perfectly even with 100+ people taking part and it lowers the barrier of talking to other participants after the talk.

4) You have held events in New York and San Francisco. What appealed to you about these cities?

I think that the #pubnpub concept works all over the world and when we tried it out for example in New York and San Francisco it actually did very well. The publishing community is international. That’s why the networking should be organized internationally, too. I’m more than happy to help with that.

5) What do you look forward to most at Frankfurt Book Fair this year?

Speaking of global networking and cooperation – I’m really looking forward to the international publishing meetup of BookMachine and #pubnpub at the Frankfurt Book Fair. It will take place on October 19th at 5 p.m. in the Orbanism Space (4.1 D 88). We will bring together lots of publishing people from Germany and the US/UK. Everybody is invited to come and join. The drinks will be good.

Join us at Frankfurt Book Fair for BookMachine and Pub’n’Pub drinks.

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