SYP Conference: more announcements [EVENT]

The Society of Young Publishers’ (SYP) annual conference brings together a large number of publishing types on a Saturday in November (when it’s too cold to do much else!). This year, the announcements ahead of the event are coming thick and fast and getting better by the day.

First up, the team announced a great line-up of speakers, including Sam Missingham (The Bookseller), Dean Johnson (Brandwidth), Eric Huang (Made in Me), Dan Franklin (Random House), Lindsey Mooney (Kobo) and Charles Catton (Amber Books). Not forgetting the Keynote speaker, Y.S. Chi, Director of Corporate Affairs for Reed Elsevier and President of the International Publishers Association.

Then there’s the post-event drinks social hosted by BookMachine. Charly Ford (BookMachine super-host, Oxford) has booked a spot at the Jam Factory, a popular bar and gallery venue, perfectly placed next to the station for a stop off on the way home from the conference.

The latest announcement is that Kingston Writing School is sponsoring said-BookMachine drinks. Kingston Writing School has a growing community of writers, journalists and publishers affiliated with staff and students from the School of Humanities at Kingston University.

The SYP committee have done a great job of planning what looks likely to be their best conference yet. We’ll be loitering in the hall, giving demos of the newest features on and look forward to seeing lots of you there.

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