Announcing launch of Snapshots II [EVENT]
For the second year in a row, Publishing MA students at Kingston University have taken the best content from the BookMachine blog and used it to publish a collection of experiences and advice in print and digital format, in the form of a ‘blook’.
Snapshots II offers need-to-know information for professional publishers in the digital age. The book shares practical insights from those at the forefront of innovation; from traditional publishers to new industry players.
The launch of Snapshots II will take place on Wednesday 29th April from 6.30pm in London.
Three of the contributors to Snapshots II will be discussing the theme of collaboration – how working together means working at our best. speakers include:
Tom Chalmers: a serial entrepreneur who has founded seven book industry companies, including Legend Press, which focuses on mainstream literary and commercial fiction. He tweets at @tom_chalmers.
Toby Hopkins: Senior Account Manager at Getty Images, one of the world’s leading creators and distributors of award-winning still imagery, video, music and multimedia products. He tweets at @picturebooktoby.
Laura Palmer: Editorial Director and co-founder of Head of Zeus, an independent publishing house dedicated to new authors, great storytelling, and fabulous ideas. You can follow Head of Zeus’ tweets at @Hoz_Books.
We look forward to meeting you all there!