Some early bird tickets: BookMachine London, Oxford, Brighton

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By now you will be in the loop about BookMachine Week. A whole week of talking about the rise of reading on mobiles and short stories.

Expert speakers will be sharing their experiences and the discussion will lead to thinking about whether we need to review our publishing models.

Everywhere we look people are pulling out their mobile devices. How can the publishing industry respond to this? Do we need to?

Early Bird tickets are on sale until tomorrow (Friday 22nd May) for BookMachine London, Oxford and Brighton.

Get tickets

Limited tickets also available here for BookMachine Cambridge and Barcelona.

Not sure if it’s for you? A few things that people have said about BookMachine…

‘It is not an exaggeration to say that BookMachine has had a big impact on my career. Go to events, including events that you’ve attended before – it doesn’t take long to start seeing familiar faces and to build up connections within the industry.’

Charly Ford, IPG

(full interview here)

‘Through BookMachine I’ve met lots of interesting and influential people, made connections with professionals I can call upon when I need to build a team, been hired on a freelance basis more than once, and won the biggest job of my career.’

Annette Peppis, Experienced book designer

(full interview here)

‘I used to find illustrators. Being able to search by skills and location was very useful, and let me rapidly draw up a shortlist of likely people.’

John Pettigrew, founder of Futureproofs

(full interview here)

‘Many publishing experts – from agents, editors, marketers and other professionals turn up to BookMachine with lots of knowledge under their belts. They have been extremely helpful.’

Olga Levancuka, author

(full interview here)

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