Next week on BookMachine: your out-of-house workforce

out-of-house workforce

Heads-up publishing people! Next week we have two insightful things happening for anyone who is tasked with managing, inspiring and evaluating their out-of-house workforce.

  • The in-person event

Sometimes it’s good to talk in person. Skype and Google hangouts do the job. But really, human contact is the best. So with that in mind, we have organized an event in London to discuss how to manage the in-house/freelance working relationship.

Three carefully selected and super experienced speakers will discuss how they communicate effectively, maintain quality and work to a budget. As well as all the sensible reasons why you might attend this and better your career and decision-making processes, you will also get the chance to visit the LIBRARY– an exclusive members’ club in a five storey town house in the heart of Covent Garden.

Thank you to Just Content and Redwood Publishing Recruitment for sponsoring this event.

If you haven’t yet booked for this event, there are limited tickets left, so please click here.

  • The White Paper

Together with Just Content, BookMachine has produced a new white paper for the publishing industry with vital information and advice on tapping into the freelance talent pool. Aimed at editorial managers, the paper caters to anyone involved in conducting team projects within publishing.

In order to make the paper relevant across the trade, we have collaborated with a diverse group of professionals  to bring you the latest trends and insights about making use of the industry’s growing flexible resource. The paper will launch ahead of the in-person event, so watch this space!

Register for BookMachine emails to receive your copy when it is published next week.

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