4 Questions for Gabriel Pena i Ballesté of BookMovies.tv [INTERVIEW]
BookMovies.tv work with publishers, authors and literary agents to distribute timely, relevant and spectacular audio-visual materials. They’re also proud sponsors of tonight’s BookMachine Barcelona. We met with Director, Gabriel, to find out more.
1. Why did you decide to focus your business on the publishing industry?
I am a young author of two published books, the first in 2007 and second in 2010. I discovered during the process that promoting a book is very difficult, even more so if you are a young writer. Every year tens of thousands of books are published and 80% of them go practically unnoticed, and the other 20% often struggle to reach the potential audience that exists on the Internet. But now the formula of the Internet + video is a new opportunity for the publishing industry. It’s the new shop window for all kinds of publishers and all kinds of writers.
2. Of the projects you’ve worked on, which is your favourite?
For the Book Movies team it’s a pleasure and a challenge to be involved in this publishing industry revolution and trying to be as useful as we can.
3. How can publishers enhance their campaigns with book trailers?
First of all they should ensure they have the concept right. The book trailer should not be a ‘video-summary’, it should be a teaser, an advertisement. The book trailer can be a piece in the book sales chain: the connector of books and readers.
4. In your opinion, how soon into commissioning a new project should publishers think about audio-visual elements?
Publishers have a huge opportunity with audio-visual content, but they should ensure that it’s optimised for distribution on the web. Book trailers should be short and generate enough interest that viewers will be dying to find out more.