The power of visual design: How to make your blog stand out
You’ve got a blog. You’ve got Twitter. You post regularly. But how do you stand out?
Almost everyone in publishing is sharing online content but, without a loyal following, posting blog articles and tweets can feel like shouting into the void.
Luckily, there is one majorly underappreciated weapon in your social media arsenal – visual design.
To gain traffic and engagement through your social channels you need to think like your followers – what would make you stop scrolling? You need to ask yourself four questions: is my content original, recognisable, consistent and interesting?
1) Graphic design is your friend
A great graphic really can tell a thousand words when you only have 140 characters. Posting an image on Twitter will break up your followers’ feeds and help your content to stand out. However, posting an image of a book cover isn’t original enough. Why not create your own unique illustration? It doesn’t need to be complicated – visual impact is key.
Basic graphic design software is cheap and easy to use. There are thousands of tutorials online and graphic design is a very employable skill. Post your creations in the comments section.
2) Successful social media has a brand identity
The best book blogs on the internet are recognisable enough to stop you scrolling. Your followers need to know a post is yours before even checking that it comes from your account. The image can be as simple or as complex as you like but make sure that your style consistent. Whether you use the same background, filter or concept, find your visual online identity and stick to it.
3) Link your social platforms
Many people have personal Instagram or Pinterest accounts, but have you considered setting up sister social media accounts to advertise your blog content? Not everyone is on every platform so gain more followers by promoting your Twitter or blog content elsewhere. Instagram is particularly good for showing off your eye-catching, original and consistent style.
4) Beat the Twitter character limit
Do you want your followers to read an article or book review? It can be hard to explain exactly what your content is about in such a small space on Twitter. Until Twitter upgrades to the 10,000 character limit, use pictures to make sure your followers find your tweets interesting enough to click through to your link. You will be amazed how this simple tip will increase your traffic and engagement.
Demelza Griffiths is an English Literature finalist and social media enthusiast who can’t wait to escape the ivory towers of university to seek a career in book publicity. Her blog, Books feat. Politics covers the latest and greatest in political non-fiction and literary fiction. Find her on Twitter, Instagram and WordPress.