Marketing vs Design: Photo/Twitter blog
If you work in book marketing, your focus is on running campaigns to sell more books. If you are a designer you know that no one will read a blurb, or download a sample without eye-catching covers and advertising material. So which matters more?
BookMachine teamed up with emc design for our event on Wednesday to pose this very question. Kate Roden (publishing, marketing and content strategist, and co-founder of design consultancy Fixabook), Matt Haslum (Marketing Director at Faber & Faber) and Mark Ecob (Creative Director of cover design company Mecob Design) took to the stage to battle it out. Here’s a photo/twitter blog to sum up the night.
On my way to the @BookMachine debate and trying to keep an open mind. Quite hard, as it is Marketing v #Design.
— Annette Peppis (@AnnettePeppis) November 2, 2016
MD Mike starts off the night introducing the topic #marketingvsdesign #BookMachine
— emc design (@emcdesignltd) November 2, 2016
Lovely talk from @KatRoden kicking it off saying marketing is design and vice versa. #BookMachine
— emc design (@emcdesignltd) November 2, 2016
How are you going to make your book stand out from everything else that’s out there in the market? – Katie Roden #BookMachine
— Janet Hornsby (@tweetalini) November 2, 2016
A good player plays where the puck is. A great player plays where the puck is going to be. – Matt Haslum #BookMachine
— Janet Hornsby (@tweetalini) November 2, 2016
#BookMachine @FaberBooks Marketing & Design: Stick to what you’re amazing at. Books’ authenticity makes them USPs.
— Subha Chelvam. (@SubhaChelvam) November 2, 2016
Good design is intrinsic to marketing – Matt Haslum #BookMachine
— Janet Hornsby (@tweetalini) November 2, 2016
.@Zloom says good marketing accentuates design and good design makes design memorable. #BookMachine
— emc design (@emcdesignltd) November 2, 2016
Favourite slide so far from @zloom #BookMachine
— Laura Summers (@LauraSummersNow) November 2, 2016
#BookMachine @mecobtweets Marketing & Design: The Big Brand Author – Typography, typeface & bright figurative colours.
— Subha Chelvam. (@SubhaChelvam) November 2, 2016
Simple briefs + knowing the heart of the content are key to good designs for @mecobtweets #BookMachine
— emc design (@emcdesignltd) November 2, 2016
Designers can brief, produce artwork, and become brand guardians – Mark Ecob #BookMachine
— Janet Hornsby (@tweetalini) November 2, 2016
Think it was a score draw tonight at #BookMachine: Marketing & Design work best together, it turns out. Thanks for an inspiring evening!
— Abbie Headon (@AbbieHeadon) November 2, 2016