What’s it like to be an Unbound author?

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What’s it like to be an Unbound author? Norah Myers interviews Jennifer Pierce to find out. 

1) What appealed to you most about working with Unbound?

I like the idea of giving readers a say in what gets published.

When I first heard about Unbound, I thought that this method of publishing had a lot of potential for YA audiences. The YA marketing segment is largely made up of a generation that is even more connected than ever. They’re connecting with publishers, authors, and other readers to have conversations about books and publishing in social media spaces. Many of these readers run successful blogs and YouTube channels about books. These platforms give them an opportunity to share their thoughts about what they’re reading and what they want to read. There are so many new ways that readers can engage with literature, and this is a way of engaging with the publishing process itself.

I think it’s great that Unbound is using that engaging nature of social media to be more inclusive and allow anyone to become involved in the process, from selecting which books they want to see published, to gaining access to author updates, and receiving exclusive content or rewards for investing in projects. Additionally, Unbound functions as a traditional publisher once the crowdfunding phase is over–having marketing and editorial support from experienced industry professionals is a huge advantage as a debut author.

2) What’s been the most challenging part of the crowdfunding process?

This is my first experience with crowdfunding–it is much more of a roller coaster than I expected!  Although being your own promoter is time-consuming and sometimes frustrating, the amount of support and encouragement I’ve had from family, friends, other Unbound authors, and even strangers has been incredible.

3) You hold an MA in Publishing. How has your knowledge of publishing helped you as an author?

My MA provided me with an overview of all aspects of the publishing process so I know what to expect going in as an author.  My marketing class and work experience have been useful throughout the crowdfunding stage.

4) What advice would you give an American who would like to work with Unbound?

Go for it!  Although Unbound and most of their authors are UK-based, don’t let geography limit you.  Unbound has been doing amazing things lately as they grow their list and it’s a really exciting time to be an Unbound author.

Jennifer Pierce is a graduate of Oxford Brookes University’s Publishing MA and currently works as an Editorial Project Manager at Elsevier.  Her debut Young Adult novel, Slow Motion is now crowdfunding with Unbound

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